Heidi Allen, our Parliamentary candidate in this year's general election, was on BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine show this lunchtime talking about door knocking – and, earlier in the day, Heidi was also on Radio Cambridgeshire's Paul Stainton's 'Big conversation' programme.
On the Jeremy Vine show, she was one of half-a-dozen people – voters and activists – interviewed about their experiences when out canvassing, typical questions voters ask and how the aspiring MPs respond.
Heidi, as the show's final interview as it happens, tells of her experience of having doors slammed in her face. "It doesn't happen very often, I'm pleased to say," she said, "but when it does you have to realise that person doesn't want to talk to you, dust yourself down, walk on to the next door and start again.
"Door knocking is an important part of campaigning," she continued, "but I don't think it's everything. "Much as I would like to get round to all 45,000 doors in South Cambridgeshire, and I'm going to try very hard, it's not going to happen.
"My model is I want to hold meetings with communities in village halls, in community centres, in the pub, and let people, in perhaps a more relaxed environment, come along so I can say 'hello' – and that way get to know what they really think about the community and things I can help them with."
Use the link below to hear the whole conversation – the feature starts at 1 hour 38 minutes, with Heidi coming on at 1 hour 53.30 minutes.
BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine show, 5 January 2015. The broadcast is available for four weeks (until 2nd February).
Radio Cambs too
Heidi's broadcasting day began with a chat with Paul Stainton on his Radio Cambridgeshire Big conversation show, where the topic centred on whether voters, with 17 weeks to go, are already getting bored with the general election.
"To earn the respect of voters, you don't just pitch up eight weeks before the election, you show them you mean business beforehand," said Heidi.
"This isn't a game we're playing, this is about the future of our country and I can't think of a more important debate, I really can't," she added, "because we are on the brink now of a real, consistent recovery and we can't afford to lose that."
The 'conversation' begins at 22.45 minutes into the show – with Heidi on first.
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire The big conversation with Paul Stainton. The broadcast is also available for four weeks (until 2nd February).