Our photos – taken by Iris Lay – at Andrew and Sally Lansley's little tea party, show...
1. Sally Lansley with Evelyn Pratt.
2. Charlie Lansley (right) and his friend Pheobe.
3. Friends and Neighbours of Andrew and Sally.
4. Dorothy Calder with friends.
5. Mark and Anne Howard (right) and friends.
6. Sheila and Nick Goodyear.
7. Liz and Corny Thorne with John Smith.
8. Peter George.
9. Alison, Kay, Jean and Val – ladies of the Women’s Group resting their weary legs.
10. Marie Gregory, the raffle lady.
11. Pamela Douglas serving strawberries and cream.
12. Andrew Lansley offering cold drinks.
13. The Irises – Dipple and Lay.
14. Martha Lansley with friends.
15. Bill and Ann Potter.
16. Jean Bacon and Evelyn Pratt enjoying a well earned cuppa.
17. The children helping pick the raffle tickets.